Welcome to our Site.
We are a group of students from Merced College enrolled in the CCNA
(Cisco Certified Network Associate) Academy. As part of our curriculum
we prepared a Threaded Case Study in the Washington School
District Project.
For our T.C.S. we selected Royal Palm High School.
We will show you in the following pages the proper way to install and
set up a Network with all of its components: from Layer 1 to Selection of
Router and Switches, VLan implementation, IP Addressing, Topology, etc.,
We call ourselves the Cisco Collective, and our names in alphabetical
order are: Anthony Thomas, Doug Richards, Eduardo Alvear, Mike Murdock,
Nick Grissett and Tomy Saengdaia.
click on them to see their websites
From top left to right:
Doug Richards, Tomy
Saengdaia, Nick Grissett, Mike
Murdok, Anthony Thomas and
Eduardo Alvear.