I see a reflection of myself in you.
Is it you, or is it I?
Is it a mirage, or are you real?
Am I seeing what I want to see, and not what really is?
Am I seeing a reflection of the sky?
Is it water, or is it just a reflection caused by a thermal inversion of
some kind?
Who cares! What matters is that I see water on the dessert, an Oasis, a
mirage of love. I see love. I see hope. I do not care if it is not there,
and if it is only a mirage. It still makes me wanna go a little further in
this horrible dessert which is Life in this Valley of Death.
(“I long so much to return to my kingdom, my inheritance, Eternal Life,”
says a child of Faith, a son of Abraham; Say I).
Love is a mirage. Who cares... what matters is that I love God, myself,
and you. Everything else, does not matter at all.
Prose made by Juan Eduardo Alvear, © JEAF Multimedia 2012. All rights